
           大学英语第二教学部承担非英语专业本科生基础层级和提高层级学生的大学英语教学工作。大学英语第二教学部现有教师 26人,其中教学名师1人,教学带头人1人;教授 3人,副教授 13人,讲师 10人;硕士生导师2人;具有博士学位教师4人; 19人有国外留学经历。  

         近年来,大学英语第二教学部完成国家、省、校级教学改革项目20余项。在各类期刊上发表学术论文 260余篇;编写出版教材20余部;获宝钢教学优秀奖1项,获省级教学成果奖一等奖1项、二等奖1项;获校级优秀教学奖8人次,省级和校级奖励13项;2人获校级青年教师基本功大赛一等奖,4人获二等奖;1人获第11届全国多媒体课件大赛二等奖。2007年“大学英语”课程被评为黑龙江省精品课程。    

The Second College English Teaching Department

The Second College English Teaching Office offers college  English courses for all the non-English major undergraduates studying in  fundamental and intermediate classes.

This office now has a faculty of 26 teachers, including three  professors, 19 associate professors, and 1- lecturers. Among them one has the  title of the Distinguished Teacher, and one has the title of Academic Leader in  Teaching. Two teaching members are master’s supervisors. Among them, four  teachers have doctoral degrees, and 21 have master’s degrees. Nineteen of them  have been to the universities in the United  States,Canada,Australia,Holland,Finland,Great BritainandSingaporefor further  studies or academic visits.

In recent years, the Second College English Teaching Office has  been in charge of 20 teaching and research projects, many of which are at the  Ministerial level or provincial level. Some have already been completed, and  some are being researched. More than 260 teaching and research papers have been  published in the journals of “Applied Linguistics inChina”, “Chinese Translators  Journal” “English Teaching inChina”, “Audio-Visual Foreign Language Teaching,  ICS (Intercultural Communication Studies), Kentucky English Bulletin, “Foreign  Language Research” etc., and more than 20 books have been compiled and  published. Eight awards for outstanding teaching achievement at the provincial  and university levels, and six outstanding teaching awards have been obtained by  the department. In 2007, the course of “College English” has been recognized as  a Select Course inHeilongjiangprovince.